Media Services for Legal & Investigative

Phoenix Help Desk can convert analog tapes of interviews or depositions into high-quality digital formats for easy distribution, playback or backup. We'll come to your office so tapes and media never have to leave your possession.

We offer complete noise reduction and audio restoration for noisy or illegible interviews or surveillance recordings. We also provide forensic analysis to look for indications that tapes have been edited or altered in any way.

For important testimony or depositions, Phoenix Help Desk can come to any location and shoot high-quality video or capture clean, easy to understand recordings. We'll help you avoid common mistakes that make recordings unusable.

If you need to prepare audio or video for courtroom presentation, we'll assemble the materials, add any graphics or subtitles to video, make sure audio is clear and easy to understand, and prepare your materials for easy playback.

Computer Services for Business

Phoenix Help Desk provides complete computer and network setup services. We'll make sure your computers, printers, servers, backup systems and peripherals are all working like they should so your data stays secure.

We'll come to you to solve any emergency computer or technology problems you have. We provide computer repair services, malicious software removal and data recovery from unusable systems. We work quickly and efficiently, seven days a week.

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Contact us today if you have any questions about our services!