Getting the Most from Your Network

Computer Networks have been a part of the business world for a long time. But, as we increasingly bring high-speed Internet, multiple computers and wireless hotspots into our homes, home networks are becoming commonplace.

More and more of our home electronics use network functionality. Home media devices like newer HDTVs, Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) and Blu-Ray players connect to the Internet through your home network to access streaming video, movies, and TV shows. Video cameras and security systems use the network to monitor your home and business. We’ve even seen Internet-ready refrigerators that know when they need service and call for repairs on their own.

You already use your network to share your Internet connection, but are you using it to its full potential?

- Have a single printer or scanner that's shared by all computers in the home or office
- Share network-ready cameras and media devices across the network
- Share files, photos and video without the use of flash drives or attaching to e-mail messages
- Use the network’s functionality to keep data on multiple computers backed up automatically
- Connect your smart phones and tablet computers to your network to avoid excess data charges
- Connect home video gaming systems to the Internet to access movies and multi-player games

Contact us today to get your network working like it should.

Wireless Network Security

In our opinion, Wireless Network Security is one of the biggest problems facing home and business users today. Unsecured or "open" wireless networks are easily seen by anyone within range, and once someone connects to your wireless network, they can access your shared resources, files, and Internet connection.

Most commonly, when people connect to an unsecured network they're only doing so to check e-mail or to surf the Internet. But, in some cases, people using (or "piggybacking") your Internet connection could be sharing files illegally or may be downloading copyrighted, illegal or inappropriate materials.

Another problem with unsecured networks is the phenomenon known as "sniffing", where unencrypted data broadcast from your computer and wireless router is received by someone within range of your wireless network. The "sniffer" can then use special software to see what web sites you're visiting, instant messaging you're engaging in, or to obtain passwords to specific websites you visit or to access your e-mail accounts.

While we agree that any kind of wireless security is better than none at all, we're also not too crazy about the encryption method known as "WEP", as today this kind of encryption can be broken in just minutes.

We strongly encourage you to check your wireless network to make sure it's secured and encrypted in the strongest way possible. If you're not sure how to check or are uncomfortable making changes to your network setup, have a knowledgeable friend or family member help you. You can also contact us and we'll come to your home or office and audit your wireless network's security for you.